In the heart of Fort Lauderdale, tucked away in the artistic community, sits a 2700 square foot New York style studio with fun and friendly appeal. Pleasant surroundings in a quiet, friendly “city inside the city” make this studio the perfect location for local Fort Lauderdale shoots, whether it is still photography or motion work. The studio features a lounge area, two makeup stations, a 12-foot ceiling with two indoor shooting locations, 12 color paper backdrops to choose from, studio lighting from a pentagram railing system and one outdoor sunny terrace with 20-foot white walls using the south and west sunlight.
- 2 makeup station
- 4x750 watt Bowen lights
- Ring flash
- Beauty dish
- Pentagram railing lighting system
- Live shooting (Tethered) on a 30inch monitor positioned on a rolling cart
- Snout with grid
- Multitude of light modifiers
- X-Small soft box to X-Large Soft boxes with grids, strip boxes
- Color gels
- V-Flats
- Plexi-glass
- 12 Apple boxes
- 12 color paper backdrops to choose from
- 2 Shooting location with backdrops
- Indoor shooting with sunlight from very large windows
- Blackout curtains
- Private enclosed balcony with two 20ft tall white walls on sythetic grass or white floor
- Private bathroom and shower
- Full kitchen